Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The rest of our vacation......

Well, I am sorry that it is taking me so long to get everything caught up......we have been pretty busy!
The last couple of days of our vacation, we stayed at Josh parents house and visited family and friends.
It was a lot of fun.
These next few pictures I took of the kids at my Mom's house.

Here is my Mom feeding her dog, and Tatum acting like a dog!

Tatum petting the dog.

Petey watching Scooby Doo. There was a marathon on so the kids watched much of the day.

Ollie watching The Great Train Story and playing with John Deere.

Here we are at Nanny's and Ollie is sleeping on the couch. I just thought he looked cute!

Here is Josh's friend Mark, I think you have seen him before.

and Mark's offspring.....

Two of Josh's friends came up with their children so we had two more boys and two more girls in the mix........that's right eight kids at Nanny's house!!!

playing with Transformers
digging toys out!

We went to my Grandparents farm on Sunday to pick blackberries.

Ollie loves this deer, he jumps on it first thing.....every time we go there.

checking out the squirrel feeder with grandpa Troy.

The berry pickers set out on their way......

Tatum had to pick flowers, or weeds as they may be, along the way.

Ollie collecting rock and giving them to my Mom.

beautiful lake on my grandparents farm.

picking berries.

We had to take a bowl away from Tatum because she was eating them all!

Petey found a hawk and a peacock feather.

Tatum showing her flowers to Grandma Lahna.

We had a GREAT time. :)


Ronnica said...

The picture at the tree looks like he's teaching the boy to pee outside!

Lani said...

Stopping by from sits! you look like you have a really fun family! And the farm is beautiful!