Ok, here it is, this is what a normal day is like for me. Josh leaves to go to work at 7:oo and he wakes me up. I usually don't roll out of bed till 7:30, unless one or more of the children are up....and usually they are. I get in the shower and get ready...(I have too or I can't function right) The kids are usually watching NOGGIN while I do this. I have Van's clothes laid out and he gets dressed on his own. I help Tatum & Ollie get dressed while telling Petey to get dressed. Then I have to dress Petey because he is still running around like a Power Ranger or Jedi or something like that.
Then we head down stairs. It is usually around 8:15. I make Van home made french toast (toast with sugar & cinnamon sprinkled on top) his favorite!! ...not always but that is his favorite. While he is eating.....I am putting coats and shoes on Tatum and Ollie. (Petey still running around like a power Ranger) Then I catch Petey and do the same. By that time, Van has shoes, coat and backpack on and no I didn't have to tell him to do any of it. Out the door we go to load up!
We drop Van off at 8:45 because he has to be there early and right when they let kids in! Then we head home. (Petey usually tries to talk me into taking a ride so he can listen to music) Sometimes I indulge him.
After we are home, I make the remaining three kids breakfast. Tatum and Ollie watch Nick JR and Petey hides in his room watching Cartoon Network......well that's what they all act like they are doing but really Ollie is sneaking outside with the dogs. Tatum is in the kitchen cupboards. Petey is running around acting like a Power Ranger or Jedi. This is the time that I check my blog , myspace, facebook, email....you get the picture.
Then I start thinking about Petey. Does he have homework ? is it done? Is all his school stuff gathered up? What do they want to eat for lunch? I make lunch. They eat and I start gathering up Petey's school stuff getting him ready for school......he usually has to change at least his pants or shirt from the morning. Oh yeah and he is running around like a power ranger or maybe Indiana Jones ?
My Dad usually comes over about this time. We bundle the kids up and start walking Petey to school. The time is now 12:00. It takes 30min. to get Petey to school and 30. min home. Sometimes we stop by the park on the the way home and let Tatum and Ollie play for a little bit.
My Dad leaves and me and the two younger ones have around two hours before we leave to pick up the older two. I usually do the dishes because they have piled up by now and if I don't they are a overwhelming before dinner. This is also the time when I switch laundry and put things away.
We leave a little before 3:00 to pick brothers up from school (even though they don't get out till 3:30) to be able to find parking out front so I don't have to get Tatum and Ollie out of the car. The boys come out and home we go.
Van and Petey have to snack when they come home. We get home about 3:45 and I start planning what I am going to make for dinner.
When there was football, Josh would get home around 6:30 or 7:00. Starting this week, football is over.
We eat dinner. I do the dishes. Time to start night, night baths. Tatum goes to bed first, around 7:00-7:30. Van is usually next with the bath followed by Ollie and Petey takes a shower and yes, of coarse, he is running around like a power ranger and Van is too! Van's homework is to read two books a night, every night. So we read books at bed time.....because we did this anyway. If Van had other homework we would do it before bath time. The after the kids are asleep, Josh and I usually watch a little TV. Then we layout clothes and all other stuff for the next day (because if not the mornings would be CRAZY!!!!!!) and go to bed to start the day all over again!
19 hours ago
Sound like a routine to me!!
I also lay out clothes for me and the boys everynight after baths/showers. lol
I'm completely exhausted Beth and I didn't do anything except read this LOL
I soooooo remember those days and I know just how tired you are. Just remember me telling you this... it's easier now than it will be when they turn into teenagers and think they know more than you. Plus you miss it, but then again it's finally easier to go to dinner alone with your husband ;)
Oh and I'm so glad they liked the dog barf!
WOW! I don't know how you do it? I only have one and I get frazzled.
Thanks for the birthday wishes for my girlie!
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