Thursday, November 6, 2008

Award Time

I created my own award tonight to give to all my friends' blogs to show them some Love, because I do enjoy visiting them just about everyday! :)
Here's the can post them on your own Blog, if you want to. can give them away to your friends, if you want can choose to ignore it, if you want to. I just wanted to let you know that your blogs are WONDERFUL!

So, my award goes to.......
Cassie @ It's a funny little life
Christy @ The Baylor's
Erin @ Poopy Diapers and burp rags ( even though she'll never see it!)
Tammie @ The Patterson Family
Wendy @ A Blink of Time
Kelly @ Grayce's Momma

and Rue, ( @ Rue's peanut butter and jelly life) if you would like to add another award.....I LOve your Blog too!


Anonymous said...

Aw...that is so sweet. Thanks!

The Patterson's said...

Thanks....I love looking at your blog usually daily too. =)

Rue said...

Of course I will Beth!! You are so sweet :)

I'll put it on there right now with a link back to you, since you made it :)
