Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday afternoon updates......

Mommy got this new outfit for Tatum I thought that it was very cute.

I tried to take pictures of Tatum's new daisy outfit....but, she wasn't being very helpful. It has cute little yellow daises on the shirt.

Wednesday, I went to the Library and got a Tipp City Library card. Here's my new library card, YEAH!!!!!

And the new books that I checked out.

Here's my camera....she broke on Wednesday!!! She was a good camera, I got her for Christmas 2004. My father is letting me use his Cannon G6 until I get a new one. (It takes better pictures!)

This is Tatum and Grandpa Ron goofing off for the camera today.

Tomorrow , we are going fishing. The boys are very excited. Friday, Josh and I took them to Wal Mart and they got to pick out their own tackle box. Van got a Transformers box, Petey got a Spiderman box and Ollie got a Cars box. We also got stuff to pack our lunch and have a picnic.

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