Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tokens of friendship....

I recently switched out wallets. I found this inside my wallet......but for the first time I almost missed it. This card has been in my wallet ( many, many wallets) since 2000 when my friend Erin gave this to me. The occasion? ...........I was pregnant with my first child......Van.
So Erin........" A friend Loveth at all times" and I still carry this with me.
Thanks for being a good friend. :)


Ms. Sarah said...

thats so sweet.

egt said...

Ok, now I'm crying...I've been having such bad days lately with all these transitions we are going through...this is sweet!! I can't believe you still have this! Thank you for being a good friend and being so encouraging in my darkest are sweet!

Beth P. said...

Aw, how very touching to hold onto something so important for so long!