Here is Tatum in her favorite cowgirl t shirt and her horse rain boots. Grandpa Ron took this picture.
well, this has been a very, very busy week! The dogs have ran away twice. (don't worry they have come back) We are having an invisible fence installed Thursday!!!!!
Saturday, the dogs ran away, and we drove around looking for them while the Dayton Air show was flying over our heads. After we found them and brought them home, Grandpa Ron took some great pictures of the kids....here are just a few...

What I am listing to right now...........Coldplay.

random picture from the week I took of Ollie......he was watching TV on our bed. I walked in and all I could see was his head peaking out.

What I am watching......now that Tudors is over! I was very upset that Trish went home last night! She was my favorite!!!!!!!!!!! oh well, I didn't vote for David Bromstad either and now Color Splash is my favorite show on HGTV!

Thursday Alicia and I went and saw Made of Honor, while our husbands watched my brood! However when we got home....our husbands went and watched the midnight showing of Batman!........NO there is NO picture.........I want to see it too!

here are some pictures I took at Burger King the weekend before. Grandpa Ron treated the kiddo's .

well.....I am sure that I am leaving something out and I will be logging again soon.....