Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random updates.... & cute pics

Cute ice cream pics from last week. Tatum & Ollie snuck them in while Van and Petey were at school!

Of course Tatum has to have a pink cone with sprinkles!

Ollie doesn't care!
Oh by the way, he is usually shirtless during the day, I guess he gets it from Daddy.

Petey lost his second tooth two days ago!

Picture of Ollie sleeping, I thought he looked cute.

One family member or the other (except Van) has been sick the last week and a half, that's why it has taken me so long to post everything.

These cookies are from our local grocery store bakery and I have to share.....they are like crack to me! I LOVE THESE COOKIES!

I saw the movie Twilight for the first time last week. I may or may not have shared a lot of the same thoughts as Ginny from Beautiful Mess. So check her out because she's pretty funny! :)

Oh yeah, and one last thing, I am really into this show right now!

and if you are interested......

here is RYAN and SERGEY'S Blogs.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Okay, now I need some ice cream.