(I know this post is over due) For Easter weekend, we went to our hometown to see family & friends. We brought our furry dogs with us. YES, all six of us & our two furry dogs were in Eddie Expedition!
This is Sherman.

This is Chloe.

Van, Petey, Ollie & I colored Easter eggs on Saturday & baked sugar cookies.

Petey liked the orange color.

Ollie liked the green color. Van made the blue eggs and I made the pink eggs.

Petey putting cookies on the cookie sheet.

Petey mixing icing for Ollie.

Van and his blue icing.

Ollie wanting to play.

We choose the same colors for icing that we did the eggs dye.

finished cookies.

pretty Easter colors.

The baskets from the Easter bunny.

Tatum's basket.

Ollie's basket.

Petey's basket.

Van's basket.

baskets from Nanny & Papaw.

Easter bunny hiding eggs.

Easter morning!
(I don't know, but I love this picture of Ollie!)

Tatum found an egg.

Tatum looking at her big bunny.

Ollie looking at his stuff.

Vanny looking at his stuff, but I had to crop the picture here!

Petey looking at his stuff.

Tatum in her Easter dress.

She likes to wear dresses!

We had Easter dinner, hung out with Grandma & Grandpa Darr, then drove back home.
Hope everyone had a Happy Easter. :)