Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sherman & a birthday cake

On Friday, Petey had pet Show and Tell. He wanted to bring Sherman. So, an hour before school was out, Ollie, Tatum and I loaded Sherman up and headed to the school. It was raining. The raining stopped just long enough for us to show the pets (they were all outside).
Sherman did very well.
He was friendly to everyone, animals and people alike.
The above picture is Tatum waiting with Sherman for our turn.
I didn't get any pictures of Petey showing Sherman because we were one of the last ones to go and we had to hurry because school was almost out!

Here is Sherman in the car....making it stinky because it was rainy!

Here is the Birthday cake Tatum and I made for Josh on Friday. The baseball was Tatum's idea!


Jane said...

Cute cake! Good boy Sherman!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How cute! I totally need to make one like that for the hubs!

Miss Go Lightly said...

What a cute cake! Seems like May is full of birthdays :) Thank you for your comment on Goobie =D